La Roche Mère
So many crystals so little time
Because Crystals are not just for jewelry
On an up and coming trendy street @ 7 Rue Gambey
Healing Crystals of course. They have a VAST selection of crystals, to the point you may be overwhelmed. They have 2 rooms, raw crystals, crystal sculptures, bowls, water cleansing crystals, all types of jewelry... you get the picture. If you can think of it, they probably have it. They also offer a bioenergetic reading and workshops throughout the year.
Now they are truly living la vie parisienne here! The store is only open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3pm to 7pm & Saturday from 2pm to 7pm.
If you are all about healing energy and listening to the universe, this is the store for you. Also for the non claustrophobic--if you are here for selection, definitely go here, but it does get crowded and a little warm in the summer months!