Quarantine Log Day 3: Keep it Moving
Leyogascope Instagram Retreat
Feeling more of myself today after sleeping in a little and doing some kundalini yoga this morning, which really helped my tight muscles and got the blood flowing. I am no yogi by any means and have only took kundalini once during my dear friend’s birthday last April. After this morning will definitely try my best to find more yoga practices online and make it part of my weekly routine. For any of you who are reading my blog this weekend, you can still catch the last two days of Le Yogascope’s worldwide weekend retreat on instagram. Today’s session with Yeva Don really jumpstarted my body and my mood. I literally felt every muscle in my body that probably haven’t been stretched or utilized properly since this international shitshow started. Made me realize how important movement is now more than ever. I used to run at least 3 miles with my dog before this all started and now I barely walk 1,000 steps a day. It’s not like this a shock to me or anyone reading this. Our movement has significantly decreased in the past couple of weeks. Even with the online workouts I’m doing, which were minimal this week since I was feeling under the weather, I’m not getting the same amount of activity I was getting before this all started.
So, I think now more than ever we need to be creative in trying to get the same amount of activity and movement into our daily lives. Our bodies were created to move and not be stationary. Whether it be a one mile indoor walk or a dance video on youtube, we need to keep on moving to keep our body (and minds) healthy.