Get that Summer Bod Stat
The weather is getting warmer and the layers are coming off, which means A LOT of us are realizing that we indulged a little too much this winter and our summer wardrobe isn’t looking as fab on us as we would like. Don’t worry—I’ve got you.
One thing I have gotten better at at is being more efficient in getting results—while mostly for business, it has proved quite useful in my personal life as well, including working out. I am by no means claiming to have the best body in the world, but if your goal is to be healthier and get a little more svelte for summer, this routine is for you. Most of my workouts are peloton based (i swear this is NOT an ad, nor do i work for them!!!), but will provide alt workouts to my routine for each category. If you are curious to try peloton, you can try the app for free for 60 days through this link.
Cycling (4-5x/week)

I know looking at five times a week seems daunting, but it really isn’t. My routine is mixed with instructor led rides and free cycling. Meaning, that when I have time to do a full on workout, I will take an instructor led ride. If I am stretched for time, I will do a “just ride” while I’m doing other things such as being on a non video conference call, watching my latest netflix binge or just chatting with a friend. If you are uber competitive like me, my new obsession is Peloton’s video game like addition, Lanebreak. I like beating my high score anytime I do a ride and trying to beat others.
Alt Workout: Spin Class or Riding a Bike that goes somewhere
Core (3-4x/week)

The one thing that is hard for me is that bottom part of my stomach. I have never been pregnant, so really have no excuse for why the fat is there—I’m blaming my years living in France drinking a copious amount of red wine and eating a lot of cheese, amongst other things.
My new core routine involves Robin’s Post Natal Core workouts. If you look a the pictures above, her core is more toned post baby than pre-baby and pre-baby she was already rocking a hot bod! The movements she teaches in these core classes target the specific area i’m interested in amongst others so am excited to see the results. Right now, the classes seem easy because it’s a whole program and meant for women who have just given birth, but knowing Robin’s style, I’m sure it will get more lethal as the program progresses.
My other go-to is Emma’s Crush your core program. Did it last summer and the results where phenom—I’m actually doing Crush Your Core 2 as I type. Whichever one of you choose, you will definitely be stronger and toner than when you first started.
Alt Workout: Pilates
Barre (4-5x/week)
I noticed I haven’t been balancing out my workouts and mostly do a lot of cycling. Was looking at pics from 2016 and noticed how toned and svelte my body was and want to get that form back so have incorporated barre back into my workouts. Back then it was called “Core Fusion” and they may still teach it at Exhale, but now I do peloton or my French Favorite, California Barre. Reintegrating this back into my routine has me seeing the same tone I had 5+ years ago. My go-to class is Hannah Corbin’s Hip Hop 10 minute barre class.
Alt Workout: This isn’t really an alt for me as I do this high intensity program anytime I need quick results. California Barre is honestly the fastest way to firm up your booty and leg muscles especially if you are looking to get it done in record time. I highly recommend the Cheeky Lift program. If you are in the Paris area, you can also take Sophia’s classes in person.
Arms (3x week)

There are two arm classes I keep on rotation—Leanne’s and Christine. I don’t want to get too bulky so only do light arm weight workouts. Both of their classes are fun and work your arms. If you are up for more of a challenge, take Hannah Frankson’s arm workout. Her workouts are LEGIT torture, but highly effective. Honestly doing them with no weights in your hand is a feat in itself. Maybe one day I will graduate to that level of intensity.
Alt Workout: Boxing
Stretch (7x/week)

No matter how crazy my schedule is these days, I always make time for a stretch bc the days after I don’t do them are horrific. Ben Alldis is the king of stretches. My two favorite from him are shown above. Even on rest days, I do a stretch because it just makes me feel better.
Alt Workout: Not going to include one—even if you know how to stretch, sign up for the 60 day pass and try his stretches. They are LIFE CHANGING.
Going to include two pro-tips for working out.
Pro-Tip 1: LIsten to your body. Like everything in my life, I listen to my body (this includes my mind/mood for the day) and go with it.
Pro-Tip 2: To keep yourself in check (or if medals motivate you), sign up for the peloton challenges each month. They really hold you accountable especially if you have a competitive nature.
See you all on the other side! XO