#PelotonFamFaves Part III: Easy Like Sunday Morning
As much of a peloton addict I am, I know the importance of a rest day and getting into zen mode. Though I don’t do it as often as I should. On days I can’t muster up a full on peloton workout or just need to meet my daily quota, I hop on to one of their more calming workouts. Here are some of my faves.
Sometimes I just need to get my zen on, whether it be in the middle of the day, first thing in the morning or right before going to bed. Being a person that can’t let my mind sit quietly for long periods of time, Peloton meditation is just the fix for me. Here are my go-to’s, but want to stress that meditation (at least for me) is by finding the right voice to lead you there, so what may be good for me, may not be your cup of tea.
Aditi was one of the first instructors I discovered on the app after my father had passed and is still one of my faves. There is just something about her that exudes peace and serenity. She always manages to help me get where I need to go mentally. And another bonus is that we share the same birthday—love that I found another one of my Scorpio twins!
Favorite Inspirational Quote: May all beings remember that we belong to each other

Anna is my second go to for meditation. There is just something soothing about her that allows my mind to relax and stay in the meditation. She really is one of the best and I have tried them all. I think the fact that she is also a yogi and the best yoga instructor on peloton according to numerous reviews and public opinion is all the validation you need.
Favorite Inspirational Quote: Look for balance but always be willing to fall

Don’t forget TO ALWAYS STRETCH. I know we all think we don’t have the time, but we do. Take 5 minutes or 10 minutes if you can, after any workout, especially if it is a strenuous cycling workout. Your body will thank you in the morning. Believe. Me.
See some of my favorite stretches below.
Pro-Tip: Doing a stretch class before bed is life-changing. Don’t believe me? Try it once. You will be hooked. It is now part of my nightly ritual.

OK, so this is my new favorite thing and my secret sauce—do not underestimate the value of a good cool down ride. Whether it be a rest day, a I can’t stomach a real workout day, 10 minutes really does a lot for your body and your mind. There have been days where I was too tired to get on the bike or too sore from overexerting myself the day prior, or just days where I have felt like absolute sh*t, but I got on and did 10 minutes. Everytime I did, I always felt better and felt like I accomplished something substantial—sometimes, I even ended up doing another full ride after or just layered on a few 10 minute rides after. My top 3 ten minute rides are: Ben’s low impact, Sam’s low impact and LeAnne’s Disney Cooldown. I honestly sometimes do them just for fun at random parts of the day.