Wanderwoman Diaries: Beauty for the Soul
This week we visit with my friend, Michelle, who was one of my life’s saving graces in Paris. She is not only one of my closest friends and confidants, but I also consider her my spiritual guide. Michelle was introduced to me by one of my former Fashion Directors because not only did were we both from NYC, but we also had the Filipino connection in common. Our first friend date was at a jewelry and accessory expo in Paris, because where else would two NYC fashionistas meet? We became fast friends and the rest, as they say, is history.
Fast forward to a few years later, she is now living in Lisbon and I am currently back in NYC so we video chat a A LOT. Let’s join Michelle to hear about her journey and learn more about her.
Michelle Pozon
Originally From
I was born in San Francisco, California, but I do not consider myself American. When a person asks me where I’m from, my answer has been (since moving to Lisbon), “I don’t know."
Current Location
Lisbon, Portugal
How many countries have you lived in?
I’ve lived in 8 cities across 3 continents or 7 countries. I break them down into cities as I hardly feel that living San Francisco is like living in NYC.
How many countries have you visited?
What brought you to Lisbon?
Attractive Weather and an unexpected turn of events.
What challenges have you experienced raising a child abroad?
Unlike myself, my son was born and raised for 15 years in Paris. He misses Paris & his friends. I do think that moving so “late" in his childhood has made it harder for him, than for me. I started my expat journey at age 4 and underestimated how upset he was to move, given that he too, enjoys travel.
How do you lead a balanced life?
For us a balanced life begins by knowing our dreams and striving for them on our own terms. We keep in touch with our family and friends from all across the globe on a regular basis, and have had more face (albeit screen) time with our beloveds since Covid. “Home” for me is where I sleep at night; Openess, Compassion and Kindness are my guiding lights wherever I go, be it for an extended amount of time, or for a holiday. Everyplace has been home, even for a little while.
What do you find most challenging about living in another country? The most rewarding?
The vices are the virtues. I like the anonymity and enjoy not always understanding the language. It helps me to remain focused on what I feel rather than worrying about another person’s opinion. Approaching every day benevolently has served me well. On the flip side, “kindness” isn’t expressed in uniformed fashion across the globe, so misunderstandings have occurred. Country specific, though, speed and efficiency have been superior (in my experience) in Hong Kong, then New York and San Francisco. Less so in Paris, and lesser still in Lisbon. But Lisboetas have a sunnier disposition than their Parisian counterparts on average, when falling behind on quoted deadlines.
What is your favorite thing about living in Lisbon?
Most Favourite: The sunshine and warmth, my view, the proximity to the beach, my manicurist and masseuse that come to my home, are amazing and more affordable than similar services in Paris. There is a farmer who delivers Farm fresh produce to my door every Friday, TV and movies are always in VO (Version Originale) with Portuguese Subtitles.
Least favorite?
Least Favourite: The sidewalks and streets are safety hazards when even slightly wet and I often feel that there is separate pricing for food (in the farmer’s markets) and realestate.
Is there anywhere you would chose to move to where would that be and why?
I’m not looking to move for now. I’d like to stay here until my son finishes high school. I can imagine my husband and myself splitting a year between island living and taking care of turtles and cleaning up beaches and skiing in the alps, then taking it from there. Lisbon however, came “suddenly” to us, so we’ll see….
How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your life?
It’s brought closeness, focus and safety to the areas of my life that matter most. Situations that I would have felt obligated to in the past have become a thing of the past. I have been able to lighten my load and live more deeply rooted in my values.
What are your thoughts on travel right now? When do you plan on traveling? And what are your new guidelines/precautions?
Portugal is still new to us, I’d love to explore it. I’m open to short flights within continental Europe, as well. I’m in no rush to be on a plane for more than 3 hours.
How do you feel your country is handling the pandemic? Do you feel safe?
I imagine the powers that be are doing the best they can, given what they believe their priorities are. I practice social distancing. I wear a mask wherever I go and have been practicing the prescribed personal hygiene recommendations, even before Covid 19. For the time being, I’m not currently eligible for the vaccine here.
Based on current travel restrictions are you happy to be where you are or do you wish you were somewhere else?

I feel truly blessed.
What inspires you?
Human kindness. Passionate creativity. A person sharing their delight in what they're doing. A hearty laugh. Sunshine, sunrise and sunset. Moonlight. Dusk. Gratitude.
What advice would you give to other expats?
Common sense is not common. Surprises are to be expected. Lead with kindness.
What is your new normal?
Masks are a staple in my wardrobe. I never leave home without my mask and homemade hand sanitiser.
What is the one thing you learned during the pandemic that you want so share with others?
The 4 Agreements: Be impeccable with your word, don't take things personally, don't assume anything and always do your best (realising that all of the above are hard).